
La classe de 6e C a accueilli Monsieur Beaupré

La classe de 6C avec M. Beaupré Emile Beaupré a été directeur du collège de 1955 à 1977. Il réside actuellement au Foyer Logement de Merdrignac. Mardi 29 novembre, il est venu à la rencontre des 6es C qui lui ont posé de nombreuses questions sur la vie au collège lorsqu’il était directeur. La (...)

Bienvenue au CDI

Madame Poilvert, la documentaliste vous accueille au Centre de Documentation et d’Information. C’est un lieu de lecture, de travail et d’information. Vous y trouverez de nombreux livres mais aussi des ressources numériques. Il est ouvert les lundi, mardi, jeudi et vendredi. On peut aussi (...)

voyage à Londres

Les élèves de 4e sont partis à Londres du 19 au 24 mars 2012 pour un séjour de découverte de culture et de langue anglaise. Ils ont visité des musées (Natural History museum, Science museum, British museum, The London dungeon ou encore la Tour de Londres), ont parcouru les rues de Londres ou ont (...)

First day in London

Hamon Romain / Dran Alexandre / Guillou Corentin / Pécheul Gaetan Our Trip to London The School organized the trip to London for the 4e from Monday 19th March to Saturday 24th March. We left Merdrignac at 6:45am, we were very happy, and we were tired. We stayed on the coach for 2 hours. When (...)

Second day

Second day Tuesday 20th March:1.We got up at 6:30 pm ; we ate at 7:00 pm. We had a shower at 7:15 pm and we went to the carpark at 8:00 pm.2. We arrived in London at 9:00 pmWe visited the Natural History Museum ; it is a big monument. In the museum there are a tyrannosaur Rex and (...)

Third day in London

Wednesday,21 March We got up at 6.30,we had cereals and toasts for breakfast.The family brought us to the coach in a carpark. We went to the Science museum. We visited the space area (this is a replica of Apollo 11). and an earthquake simulator.We saw old vehicules(planes,trains,cars…) (...)

Fourth day in London

School trip Diary : On the Thursday 22nd March.We went to Leake street to look at the grafs , which were in a special street where graffitis were authorised . We met a street artist who was doing a tag before our eyes Later in the morning,, we did a tour of London : we saw Big Ben , (...)

Fifth day in London

Friday ,24th March On friday , we got up at 6:30am in the morning, we went for breakfast and we had :-toast,cereals,fruit shoot,hot chocolate…Before we left we prepared our suitcases and we left at 7.15am to the car park at Bexleyheath.We went from Bexleyheath to London by coach . We arrived (...)